Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israeli Independence Day
Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, celebrates the modern miracle of the establishment of the State of Israel after 2000 years of wandering. Jewish communities around the world mark this day with joyous ceremonies and festive prayer services. Part of KKL-JNF’s “National Month” from Passover through Yom Yerusahlayim, KKL-JNF runs programs that focus on the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the organization’s eternal commitment to the development of the Jewish state.
The Overseas Education Department's Kits
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Our Israel Activity Kit
Created by KKL-JNF for students of a wide range of ages, this 96 page long activity booklet includes lots of interactive activities about the State of Israel, including its establishment and
Israel Independence Ceremony
Created by the KKL-JNF Education and Youth Division for an audience of all ages, this 45-75 minute long experiential activity is designed to create an emotional connection to Israel, educate about
Israchute: A Parachute Adventure In Israel Activity Kit
Created by KKL-JNF for children of all ages, this activity kit introduces participants to various sites in Israel through dynamic games that use a parachute designed with 12 carefully chosen landmarks
Israeli Inventions Activity Kit
Created by the KKL-JNF for teenagers and adults, this 95 minute long activity will introduce participants to Israeli inventions, strengthen their connection to Israel through the world of Israeli innovation, and
iMap Israel Activity Kit
Created by KKL-JNF, this kit contains 13 different activities designed for teenagers and young adults that explore Israel through its geographic map. The activities, each one which takes between 45-120
My Vision Activity Kit: Social, Moral & Political Dilemmas
Created by KKL-JNF for teenagers and adults, this 95 minute long leadership activity introduces participants to the visions of outstanding leaders, provides them with the tools to develop their own
Israel Independence Day Activity Kits
Created by the KKL-JNF for middle school students and older, the following two activities focus on the establishment of the State of Israel and the Declaration of Independence. Students will
Independence in Color, Shape & Symbol Activity Kit
The Overseas Education Department and the Education and Community Division of KKL-JNF are pleased to share our educational activity kits. Feel free to download and use these resources however you
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68 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Israel
Produced by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in celebration of Israel’s 68th birthday in 2016, this entertaining and informative video (06:18) lists 68 fun facts about Israel’s culture, industry,
Clash of Nationalisms: Arabs in Zionist Thought
From My Jewish Learning, this article by Scott Copeland, head of education for Onward Israel, explores the conflict between Jewish and Arab nationalist movements beginning in the late 19th century, as well as
Yom Ha’atzmaut Torch Lighters 2019
This post introduces the individuals that will be honored with lighting the torches at the official 2019 Torch Lighting Ceremony that marks the transition from Yom Hazikaron to Yom Ha’atzmaut
Zionism in Animation: How the State Of Israel was Born
Part of The Jewish Story In Animation, a Zionist educational initiative, this animated video (03:05) tells the story of the establishment of the State of Israel, starting from the early
Excerpts from Theodor Herzl’s Writings
This link provides excerpts from Theodor Herzl’s writings about different topics, including the meaning and purpose of Zionism, the physical beauty of the land of Israel, and his vision for
Rav Kook on Psalm 126: We Were Like Dreamers
This philosophical article is a translation and adaptation of a teaching from Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (Midbar Shur, pp. 226-227) about the connection between the eternal yearning of the Jewish
A Message from the URJ for Yom Hazikaron & Yom Ha’atzmaut
In this short video, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the President of the Union for Reform Judaism, encourages viewers to commemorate, connect and commit to Israel on the country’s memorial and independence
The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel (Text & Video)
This post provides resources about the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, including a short video with information and excerpts from the historic event, a 13 minute video of
The Impossible Transition Between Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut
In this 6:20 long video, Daniel Gordis describes the challenge and meaning behind the transition between the deep grief of Yom Hazikaron – Israel’s Memorial Day, and the joy and celebration
An Introduction to Yom Ha’atzmaut and How to Celebrate
This short article from the website of the Reform movement provides a brief introduction to Yom Ha’atzmaut and how it is celebrated in Israel, and then offers a few simple ways
Yom Ha’atzmaut: New Meaning to a Traditional Prayer
In this blog post, Benjamin Dukas, a 19 year old American who spent a year studying in a Yeshivah in Israel, describes his experience of participating in the musical Yom
The Significance of Yom Ha’atzmaut and Jewish Nationalism
This lengthy article by Rabbi Mordechai Greenberg explores the significance of Yom Ha’atzmaut in the context of the controversial views within Orthodox Judaism toward Jewish nationalism and the religious status of
How Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jews Mark Yom Ha’atzmaut
This article from the Jerusalem Post explores how Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews in Israel mark the birth of the secular State of Israel. Through interviews with both public figures and average people
In Search of a Poetic Ritual for Yom HaZikaron/Ha’Atzmaut
In this blog post, Rabbi Ela Merom asks complex questions about how we use communal memory as we move through the sorrow of Yom HaZikaron to the exuberance of Yom Ha’Atzmaut. She encourages
The International Bible Contest: An Israeli Yom Ha’Atzmaut Tradition
In this personal blog post, Bluma Zuckerbrot-Finkelstein describes the experience of accompanying her son to Israel to participate in the International Bible Contest, an annual competition for Jewish teens competing for
How is Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebrated in Israel
This 3 minute long video briefly explains the history of the establishment of the State of Israel and how Yom Ha’atzmaut is celebrated in Israel each year. With entertaining animations,
What Does Yom Ha’atzmaut Mean to You? Voices from the Streets of Jerusalem
In this 4 minute long video, Rafi Di from HonestReporting asks locals on the streets of Jerusalem what Yom Ha’atzmaut means to them. With footage of different types of celebrations,
The Religious Status of Yom Ha’atzmaut
This article from My Jewish Learning explores the differing views at to whether there is a religious nature to Israel’s Independence Day. Noting customs of the secular, Reform, Conservative, Religious Zionist (Orthodox), and
Yom Ha’atzmaut in Halakhah, Custom & Story
This lengthy scholarly article by Dr. Aharon Arend explores different perspectives on how Yom Ha’atzmaut should be celebrated through an examination of different halachic opinions and customs. The author begins
What is Yom Ha’atzmaut and How is it Celebrated?
This 3 and a half minute long video provides a thorough introduction to Yom Ha’Atzmaut, focusing on the various religious and secular customs that have developed to celebrate this special day
Searching for a Meaningful Yom Ha’Atzmaut
In this thought provoking article, Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon calls on the Jewish community in Israel and the Diaspora to reconceive Yom Ha’Atzmaut as a day of searching for the meaning of
Yom Ha’atzmaut: How the Jewish State is Celebrated in Israel & Abroad
This article from My Jewish Learning provides a thorough introduction to Yom Ha’Atzmaut, focusing on the various religious and secular customs that have developed to celebrate this special day in different communities
Greetings from Natan Sharansky for Israel’s 64th Independence Day
In this short video, Natan Sharansky discusses the significance of Israel for the Jewish people all over the world in honor of Israel’s 64th Independence Day. Sharansky, Chairman of the Executive of the
66 Israeli Heroes Share a Powerful Message
In this 5:42 minute long video, 66 Israeli heroes and new immigrants share powerful messages about the State of Israel, inspired by the words and values of the Declaration of
Yom Ha’Atzmaut Liturgy
This article presents a survey of some of the liturgical traditions that have developed to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut in different communities. An excerpt from “Celebrate! The Complete Jewish Holiday Handbook” by
Ritual Creation for Yom Ha’atzmaut: A Conservative Rabbi’s Suggested Mitzvot
In this bold article, Rabbi Vernon Kurtz suggests a number of mitzvot – religious commandments – which he claims should be observed by Diaspora Jewry, including moving to Israel, supporting
A Yom Ha’atzmaut Message: Israel as a Divine Miracle
In this short video made for Yom Ha’atzmaut, Rabbi Doron Perez discusses how the establishment of the modern State of Israel is a divine miracle and the fulfillment of ancient prophecies.
With These Hands: Stories of Israel’s Heroic Immigrants
This short video produced for Israel’s 68th birthday tells the stories of the everyday heroes that build Israel’s unique society, from war hero and farmer to teacher and midwife. Celebrating
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The Song of the Palmach
This song (until 01:52) was the anthem of the Palmach, the elite fighting force of the Haganah, the underground army of the Yishuv during the British Mandate of Palestine. Founded
Koolulam: 12,000 Israelis Sing Naomi Shemer’s “Al Kol Ele”
This inspirational video presents 12,000 Israelis from all walks of life who gathered together to sing “Al Kol Ele” by Naomi Shemer in honor of Israel’s 70th Independence Day. The
Hatikvah: A Controversial Version of the Israeli National Anthem in Arabic Musical Style
Released in honor of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, this controversial version of Israel’s national anthem was produced by Israeli artist, Daniel Saadon, in
Here in the Land of Our Forefathers: Israeli Folk Song
This video presents an Israeli folk song that captures the early pioneering spirit of the pre-State days, written by Yisrael Dushman and composed by Chanina Karchevsky. The lyrics, which can
Songs of Israel: Playlist of Israeli Folk Songs for a Sing-A-Long
This almost hour long video presents a playlist of popular Israeli folk songs with on-screen Hebrew and transliterated lyrics, perfect for a sing-a-long, a favorite Israeli pastime. Despite the low-quality
Shlomo Artzi: Suddenly A Man Gets Up (Song of the Morning)
This video features popular Israeli folk-rock singer-songwriter Shlomo Artzi performing a famous Israeli song written by Amir Gilboa and composed by Gidi Koren and Shlomo Artzi. It is best known
Shir BaBoker BaBoker: How a Zionist Folk Song Became a Protest Anthem
This post presents several different versions of an iconic Israeli song, along with with guiding questions that explore its significance in Israeli society. Written as a poem by Amir Gilboa in 1953,
A Sephardic Piyut for the Eve of Yom Ha’atzmaut
This video presents Rabbi Moshe Elcharar singing a piyut (hymn) written by Rabbi Joseph Messas following Israel’s victory in the Six Day War in 1967. It is recited in some
Kumi Ori: A Yom Ha’atzmaut Song for Israel’s 60th Birthday
This upbeat song was written by Rabbi David Paskin for the “Schechter Sings for Israel at 60” project of the Solomon Schechter movement of Conservative Judaism in America. Schechter students around the country
Gad Elbaz: The Prayer for the IDF
This video presents popular Israeli artist Gad Elbaz’s musical rendition of the prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer, composed
Kobi Oz: Prayer for the State of Israel
This video presents Israeli musician Kobi Oz’s original version for the Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel. Born in the southern city of Sderot to Tunisian parents who moved to the British
This Land: A Song For Israel’s 70th Anniversary
This Land is an emotive song composed by Jewish British singer-songwriter Stephen Melzack in honor of Israel’s 70th anniversary. Melzack has many meaningful songs about both Jewish and other causes, many of them aimed
HaTikvah: The National Anthem of the State of Israel
This video presents Israel’s national anthem, HaTikvah (The Hope), with on-screen Hebrew, English and transliterated subtitles. Adapted from a poem written in 1877 by Naftali Herz Imber, a Jewish poet from
The Maccabeats: Home (Medley)
This video presents a mashup of ten different songs about home performed by the Maccabeats, an all-male Jewish a cappella group that originally formed as Yeshiva University’s student vocal choir. Strongly
Ani Ma’amin (I Believe)
Ani Ma’amin (I Believe), a song about the Jewish belief in the coming of the Messiah, is often sung as part of Orthodox services on Yom Ha’atzmaut. The line comes from
The Pendulum: Between Yom Hazikaron & Yom Ha’atzmaut
This somber song by Kaila Shabat touches on the challenge of moving from the intense grief of Yom Hazikaron to the joyous celebration of Yom Ha’azmaut. Kaila Shabat, a poet
Wave Your Flag: A Yom Ha’atzmaut Song from the Streets of Jerusalem
This video features people on the streets of Jerusalem celebrating Israel and singing the popular song Wavin’ Flag by K’naan, the unofficial song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The video
Come With Me to Eretz Yisrael: A Yom Ha’atzmaut Song
This upbeat song by Seth D. Lutnick celebrates the beauty of the land of Israel and invites listeners to visit and appreciate the land. With a backdrop of scenic pictures, the
The Fountainheads: Hope – A Song for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This catchy, high-energy music video features The Fountainheads singing “Hope,” an original song celebrating Israel named after the Israeli national anthem “Hatikvah” (“Hope” in Hebrew). The Fountainheads is an all-volunteer,
The Traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer
The Traditional Prayer for IDF Soldiers
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer,
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Prayer for Peace
This post presents the Hebrew and English text for a prayer for peace in Israel around the world that is attributed to Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1773-1810), the founder of the
Ehud Banai Singing Benzion Shekner’s Melody for Psalm 23
In this audio recording, popular Israeli singer, Ehud Banai sings Psalm 23 using the famous melody composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1946. Psalm 23 – Mizmor l’David / A
Ein Li Eretz Acheret / I Have No Other Country: An Iconic Zionist Song
Written by Israeli singer-songwriter Corinne Allal in 1989, during the First Intifada, this moving song, performed here by Gali Atari, expresses the eternal Jewish connection and commitment to the land and
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom Ha’atzmaut liturgy was written by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in 1949,
L’Shana Haba’ah: Next Year in Jerusalem
This song captures the eternal Jewish hope and prayer for the return to Jerusalem. Even though the Jewish people have technically returned to the city of Jerusalem, this song is still
What Else?
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Independence: A Resource for Yom Ha’atzmaut from Limmud
Created by the Limmud Chavruta Program for Israel’s 70th anniversary, this 8-page long document contains a wide range of sources that reflect on the past, present and future of the State of
Address by Israeli President Ezer Weizman in Germany
This post presents the full text of President Ezer Weizman’s famous speech in a joint session for the two chambers of parliament in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1996.
November 29, 1947: The Story of a Vote (Video & Amos Oz Excerpt)
This post provides resources about the fateful vote of November 29, 1947, when the United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of the Partition Plan, a three-minute long vote which
Zionism & American Patriotism: A Speech from Louis D. Brandeis
This post presents the text of Louis D. Brandeis‘ address at the Conference of the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis in June, 1915, entitled “Zionism is Consistent with American Patriotism.”
Israeli Recipes for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This link provides a selection of delicious recipes perfect for a festive Yom Ha’atzmaut BBQ, contributed by members of Israel’s Anglo community.Â
Remembrance & Renewal: Yom Ha’atzmaut Activities for Children
This post presents a series of fun and educational games and activities about the history and significance of the State of Israel for children from ages 8-12. Created by the
Prayer for the Peace of Israel During Wartime
This prayer for the peace of Israel during wartime was written by the late Rabbi Ron Aigen for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. Rabbi Aigen was the senior rabbi of the
Yom Ha’atzmaut Resources for Elementary School Students
This link from The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education provides educators with activities, lessons and resources that can be used to teach students from 1st-7th grade about Yom Ha’atzmaut. With
An Original Yom Ha’atzmaut Amidah Prayer for Justice & Peace
This post offers 19 original prayers for Israel, based on the themes and structure of the 19-part Amidah prayer. The prayers were compiled by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights,
A Prayer for the Palestinian People
This English prayer for the Palestinian people was written by Matt Adler to be recited in synagogue in addition to the prayer for the State of Israel. Adler, a gay activist
A Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all People
This prayer for peace and reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all people was written by Rabbi Sam Feinsmith for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. Rabbi Feinsmith is a Jewish educator, innovative prayer
The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel (Text & Video)
This post provides resources about the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, including a short video with information and excerpts from the historic event, a 13 minute video of
The Israeli Air Force’s Annual Yom Ha’atzmaut Air Show
This 4 and a half minute long video presents the air show of the Israeli Air Force passing over the Ramat David Air Force Base in the Jezreel Valley on
An IDF Paratrooper Shares Why He is Proud to Be Israeli on Yom Ha’atzmaut
In this moving 40 second long video, IDF Lt (res) Eden Adler talks about the unity of Yom Ha’atzmaut and why he is proud to be Israeli and Jewish. The IDF paratrooper
Ideas for Booths at a Yom Ha’atzmaut Event
This short post from The Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora and World Bnei Akiva provides a list of 17 ideas for booths and activities for a Yom Ha’atzmaut event. Although the list
We Declare: An Educational Project to Strengthen Israeli Democracy
Click this link to learn more about We Declare, a project inspired by the Israeli Declaration of Independence that unites communities across Israel and the Jewish world in learning and
Israel as the Eternal Home of the Jewish People
This short video, created for Israel’s 69th Independence Day, celebrates Israel as a home for the Jewish people from ancient times until today. With a backdrop of beautiful images of the small
A YU Professor Remembers the Establishment of the State from New York
In this 4 and a half minute long video, Rabbi Dr. Bernard Rosensweig celebrates Israel’s 63rd birthday by recalling the emotional experience of learning of the establishment of the State
What Does Yom Ha’atzmaut Mean to You? Voices from the Streets of Jerusalem
In this 4 minute long video, Rafi Di from HonestReporting asks locals on the streets of Jerusalem what Yom Ha’atzmaut means to them. With footage of different types of celebrations,
Beit Tefilah Israeli’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Havdalah: A Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, a Hebrew and English ceremony written by Beit Tefilah Israeli that celebrates Israel’s national
The Masorti Movement’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Twilight: Moving from Memorial to Independence, a ceremony written by the Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel to mark the transition between Yom
S.Y. Agnon’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
This post presents the audio recording (Hebrew) and translated text of a short excerpt from Israeli author Shai (Shmuel Yosef) Agnon’s acceptance speech after being awarded the Nobel Prize for
Kol Ami B’Seder: The State of Israel
This educational resource by Yaara Salamon-Michaeli from the Kol Ami Jewish Peoplehood Leadership Academy provides biblical, historical and philosophical sources exploring the significance of the State of Israel in Jewish tradition and the
With These Hands: Stories of Israel’s Heroic Immigrants
This short video produced for Israel’s 68th birthday tells the stories of the everyday heroes that build Israel’s unique society, from war hero and farmer to teacher and midwife. Celebrating
Rituals & Ceremonies
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Prayer for the Peace of Israel During Wartime
This prayer for the peace of Israel during wartime was written by the late Rabbi Ron Aigen for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. Rabbi Aigen was the senior rabbi of the
An Original Yom Ha’atzmaut Amidah Prayer for Justice & Peace
This post offers 19 original prayers for Israel, based on the themes and structure of the 19-part Amidah prayer. The prayers were compiled by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights,
A Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all People
This prayer for peace and reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all people was written by Rabbi Sam Feinsmith for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. Rabbi Feinsmith is a Jewish educator, innovative prayer
A Sephardic Piyut for the Eve of Yom Ha’atzmaut
This video presents Rabbi Moshe Elcharar singing a piyut (hymn) written by Rabbi Joseph Messas following Israel’s victory in the Six Day War in 1967. It is recited in some
WUJS’s Thought Provoking Yom Ha’atzmaut Activities for Students
This link will take you to Yom Ha’atzmaut Activities, a site with several thought provoking activities that encourage students in the Diaspora to engage with Israel in a meaningful way. Written as full lesson
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut (English Excerpt)
This post presents an excerpt from the evening Yom Ha’atzmaut service from the Rinat Yisrael Siddur, popular among many Religious Zionist communities in Israel. A helpful guide for anyone who may be
Aharon Varady’s Earth-Centered Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the original Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals on Yom Ha’atzmaut by Aharon Varady. The author
A Reconstructionist Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts for the Prayer for the State of Israel from the Reconstructionist Kol Haneshama siddur. Based on the traditional prayer, this version focuses
Reading the Israeli Declaration of Independence on Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English texts of the ritual Declaration of Independence reading suggested by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer, a musician and poet who believes that creative art is one of
The Traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer
The Traditional Prayer for IDF Soldiers
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer,
An Amended Prayer for IDF Soldiers
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for a new version of the prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, amended by Dr. Alex Sinclair to reflect the
Zayit’s Yom Ha’atzmaut Kiddush (Hebrew)
This post presents the Hebrew text of a Kiddush ceremony written for Yom Ha’atzmaut by Zayit, an organization that runs programs about Jewish identity and culture in the Emek Hefer
The Israeli Masorti Movement’s Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the Israeli Masorti Movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Prayer for Peace
This post presents the Hebrew and English text for a prayer for peace in Israel around the world that is attributed to Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1773-1810), the founder of the
The Israel Movement for Reform & Progressive Judaism’s Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by The Israel Movement for Reform & Progressive Judaism on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled
Yom Ha’atzmaut Kiddush by Ya’akov Maoz (Hebrew)
This post presents the Hebrew text of a Kiddush ceremony written for Yom Ha’atzmaut by Ya’akov Maoz. The Kiddush expresses gratitude for the opportunity to live a Jewish life with
The Religious Kibbutz Movement’s Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the Religious Kibbutz Movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled after
An American Conservative Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut (Siddur Liymot Hol )
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of an Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the American Conservative Movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled
An American Conservative Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut (Siddur Sim Shalom)
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated text of an Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the American Conservative movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut.
Rabbis for Human Rights: A Prayer for the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts of a prayer for the State of Israel that encourages people to return to the root of Yom Ha’atzmaut, and pray for the
Reform Zionist Thanksgiving Prayers for the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts of two original Thanksgiving Prayers for the State of Israel, written by Reform Zionist leaders. The first, an Al HaNissim addition to
A Reconstructionist Picnic Seder and Haggadah for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents a creative Yom Ha’atzmaut ritual developed by the Reconstructionist movement, designed as a picnic seder, complete with symbolic foods, a haggadah and discussion questions. This post includes
Ehud Banai Singing Benzion Shekner’s Melody for Psalm 23
In this audio recording, popular Israeli singer, Ehud Banai sings Psalm 23 using the famous melody composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1946. Psalm 23 – Mizmor l’David / A
Beit Tefilah Israeli’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Havdalah: A Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, a Hebrew and English ceremony written by Beit Tefilah Israeli that celebrates Israel’s national
The Masorti Movement’s Transitional Ceremony between Yom Ha’Zikaron & Yom Ha’Atzmaut
This link opens up a PDF file of Twilight: Moving from Memorial to Independence, a ceremony written by the Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel to mark the transition between Yom
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom Ha’atzmaut liturgy was written by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in 1949,
Traditional Practices - Learn How
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Israeli Recipes for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This link provides a selection of delicious recipes perfect for a festive Yom Ha’atzmaut BBQ, contributed by members of Israel’s Anglo community.Â
Remembrance & Renewal: Yom Ha’atzmaut Activities for Children
This post presents a series of fun and educational games and activities about the history and significance of the State of Israel for children from ages 8-12. Created by the
Yom Ha’atzmaut Resources for Elementary School Students
This link from The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education provides educators with activities, lessons and resources that can be used to teach students from 1st-7th grade about Yom Ha’atzmaut. With
HaTikvah: The National Anthem of the State of Israel
This video presents Israel’s national anthem, HaTikvah (The Hope), with on-screen Hebrew, English and transliterated subtitles. Adapted from a poem written in 1877 by Naftali Herz Imber, a Jewish poet from
WUJS’s Thought Provoking Yom Ha’atzmaut Activities for Students
This link will take you to Yom Ha’atzmaut Activities, a site with several thought provoking activities that encourage students in the Diaspora to engage with Israel in a meaningful way. Written as full lesson
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut (English Excerpt)
This post presents an excerpt from the evening Yom Ha’atzmaut service from the Rinat Yisrael Siddur, popular among many Religious Zionist communities in Israel. A helpful guide for anyone who may be
Learn to Recite the First Paragraph of the Traditional Prayer for the State of Israel
This minute-long video presents a slow Hebrew reading of the first paragraph of the Prayer for the State of Israel customarily recited in synagogues during Shabbat morning services. While some congregations
Learn to Recite the Prayer for the State of Israel
This minute-long video presents a Hebrew reading of the traditional Prayer for the State of Israel customarily recited in synagogues during Shabbat morning services. The reader, Richard Seiger, chants the
Ideas for Booths at a Yom Ha’atzmaut Event
This short post from The Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora and World Bnei Akiva provides a list of 17 ideas for booths and activities for a Yom Ha’atzmaut event. Although the list
How to Create a Meaningful Yom Ha’atzmaut Community Celebration
This article is a guide for how to create a meaningful Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration for your community without significant resources. Ideas include an Israel trivia game, a play, singing and
An Introduction to Yom Ha’atzmaut and How to Celebrate
This short article from the website of the Reform movement provides a brief introduction to Yom Ha’atzmaut and how it is celebrated in Israel, and then offers a few simple ways
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