The Overseas Department Educational Programs
Educational Programs
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KKL-JNF Mobile Educational Unit
The Mobile Educational Unit enables KKL-JNF to bring activities to schools, community centers, youth movement centers, and KKL-JNF Field and Forest Education Centers throughout Israel. The unit offers a variety
The Chain-Link Program
Designed for 1st to 12th grade students, the Chain Link Program combines classroom learning with experiential outdoor excursions that last from one to five days. The educational units – referred
The Annual National Quiz on Zionism, Man, and the Environment
KKL-JNF’s Annual National Quiz on Zionism, Man, and the Environment is an inter-school trivia competition that encourages 5th and 6th grade students to learn and apply their knowledge about history,
Big Things in a Little Blue Box
Designed for young students from kindergarten through third grade, “Big Things in a Little Blue Box” is an environmental values program centered around weekly activities that recall the traditional KKL-JNF
Green Day Programs
A Green Day with KKL-JNF brings students together in a KKL-JNF forest to learn about the history and ecology of the region, participate in informal outdoor educational programs and team-building
Bnai Mitzvah Tours
Created specifically for unaffiliated Jewish families from abroad, KKL-JNF’s Bnai Mitzvah Tours lead groups on a fun and meaningful journey throughout Israel designed to strengthen their connection to the Jewish
Machon Youth Leadership Training Program
In cooperation with Zionist youth movements from around the world, the Youth Leadership Training Program at the Machon l’Madrichim brings members of international youth movements to Israel for a four-month
Youth Pioneers of the 21st Century
Designed for members of youth movements from around the world, this program introduces participants to the 21st century pioneers who are building modern life in southern Israel. Program Goals: To
International Study Tours & Educational Conferences for Educators
Designed for Jewish and non-Jewish teachers from abroad, KKL-JNF’s Study Tours for Educators empower participants with informal educational tools to help them build more engaging Israel programs for their students
The Jewish Layers Archaeological Dig
The Jewish Layers program invites youth, students, and adults from around the world to participate in an authentic archaeological dig in Israel. This hands-on experience of searching for artifacts from
Ranger for a Day
Taking place in JNF-KKL forests throughout the country, “Ranger for a Day” is a day long program in which youth from ages 10-18, students, and adults take part in educational
Rafsodia: The International Raft Festival
“Rafsodia” is an two-day festival in which hundreds of youth movement members from Israel and around the world gather together to build their own rafts and sail them across the