Jerusalem Day
Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, marks the historic reunification of Israel’s capital in the Six Day War of 1967.
Throughout 2000 years of exile, the Holy City of Jerusalem always remained the spiritual, religious and political center of the Jewish world, as reflected in ancient liturgy and ritual.
The culmination of KKL-JNF’s “National Month” that began on Passover, KKL-JNF runs special events that emphasize the significant role of Jerusalem in the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.
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This platform was established with the goal of creating educational content and making it more accessible to educators around the world. All our activities revolve around Jerusalem, in its different
A virtual tour in Jerusalem
By KKL-JNF Shaliach in Australia
The Overseas Education Department's Kits
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My Jerusalem Activity Kit
Created by KKL-JNF for students from 1st – 9th grade, this 48 page long booklet includes ten interactive activities that explore various topics related to the city of Jerusalem and the
Ways to Jerusalem Activity Kits
Ways to Jerusalem is an educational and value-laden program comprised of eight original activity kits that engage participants with different aspects of Jerusalem. Created by the KKL-JNF for youth within a
The Jerusalem Story Told By Its Gardens
Created by KKL-JNF in 2017, in celebration of 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War, this photography exhibition tells the unique stories of the city
The Many Faces of Jerusalem: A Poster Set of Jerusalem Sites
Created by the Education Division of the KKL-JNF Overseas Department in 2017, in celebration of 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War, this poster set presents
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A Timeline of the Six Day War
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this useful post presents a concise timeline of the major historical events leading up to, during
The Territories After the Six-Day War: 1967-1981
From My Jewish Learning, this informative article provides an overview of Israel’s relationship and policy toward territories conquered in the Six Day War – the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the
CAMERA: The Six Day War Website
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this website is entirely dedicated to the Six Day War. With sections about
Causes & Consequences of the Six Day War
Compiled by the Britain Israel Communications and Research Center in 2017, this 10 page PDF document outlines the causes and consequences of the Six Day War, including the regional background and
Myths & Facts: The Six Day War
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this article explores myths and facts surrounding the Six Day War, including the role of
The Six Day War Project #5-10: Each Day of the War
This post presents videos 5-10 in the Six Day War Project, a mini-series of twelve 2-5 minute long videos about the dramatic events and impact of the Six Day War, produced
The Six Day War Project #11-12: The Aftermath of the War & the Peace Process
This post presents the last two videos in the Six Day War Project, a mini-series of twelve short videos about the dramatic events and impact of the Six Day War, produced
How the Six Day War Changed the Map of the Middle East
Produced by History, an American television network, this video (04:21)Â provides a brief introduction to the Six Day War, including basic historical context, the major events of the conflict, and the
The Six Day War Project #1-4: Causes of the War
This post presents the first four videos in the Six Day War Project, a mini-series of twelve 2-5 minute long videos about the dramatic events and impact of the Six
The Geopolitical Context for the Six Day War
With a focus on geopolitical context, this informative, neutral, animated video (04:04)Â provides an excellent historical overview of the regional and international relations leading up to the Six Day War, including
BBC Archives: The Immediate Aftermath of the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (04:52)Â presents the immediate aftermath of the Six Day War, reported live from Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Tel Aviv right after the war. The
A Reporter Reflects 50 Years Later on the Effects of the War: Now & Then
In this PBS NewsHour video segment (06:09), former correspondent Terence Smith reflects on his coverage of the Six Day War fifty years later. He emphasizes how, in the immediate aftermath of
Zionism in Animation: The Six Day War
Part of The Jewish Story In Animation, a Zionist educational initiative, this animated video (02:42) tells the story of the Six Day War between Israel and Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967, focusing
Israeli & Jordanian Veterans Meet On Ammunition Hill 50 Years Later
This article from the Times of Israel describes a unique encounter between Israeli and Jordanian veterans of the Six Day War on Ammunition Hill, 50 years after the war. The
The Significance of Ammunition Hill
This home video (02:50) takes viewers on a brief tour of the bunkers and trenches of Ammunition Hill, emphasizing the heroism of the soldiers and the importance of the battle and
Interviews with Soldiers from Ammunition Hill: 40 Years Later
In this video (04:02), three IDF veterans recall the bloody battle of Ammunition Hill during the Six Day War. With honesty, humor and pain, they describe the lack of preparation, the
The Strategic Importance of the Battle for Ammunition Hill
This video (07:40) recalls the bloody battle of Ammunition Hill, explaining why this strategic site needed to be conquered in order to liberate the Old City of Jerusalem. With useful
IDF Veteran Yaki Hetz Returns to Ammunition Hill: 50 Years Later
In this video (04:19), produced by i24News to mark 50 years since the Six Day War, Yaakov “Yaki” Hetz, a decorated IDF veteran returns to Ammunition Hill, recalling the fear, chaos and ultimate
The Battle for Ammunition Hill: An Interview with Abraham Rabinovitch
In this video (05:12), Abraham Rabinovich, author of “”The Battle for Jerusalem,” describes the battle for Ammunition Hill, including the strategic importance of the site, the lack of preparedness of the
The Conquest of Armon Hanatziv in 1967
From the Ammunition Hill Memorial Site website, this lengthy article provides a detailed account of the military conquest of Armon Hanatziv by the Jerusalem Brigade in the Six Day War.
IDF: The Military Story of the Six Day War
Produced by the Israel Defense Forces in Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (09:04)Â describes Israel’s military victory against four enemy armies on three fronts during the Six Day War. With
The History of the Old City of Jerusalem
From HaAtika, the official website of the Old City of Jerusalem, this post presents a concise history of the Old City, from King David’s conquest of the city in 1000
Sacred Siteseeing: A Virtual Tour of the Western Wall
In this video (5:15) from Chabad.org, tour guide, Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, takes viewers on a virtual tour of the Western Wall, the Southern Wall Excavations and the Western Wall tunnels,
Six Days of Miracles: The Religious Significance of the Six Day War
Created by the World Mizrahi religious Zionist organization, this uplifting video (10:09)Â interprets Israel’s surprising and total victory in the Six Day War as a modern-day miracle. Employing biblical language, the
The Battles of the Paratroopers in the Six Day War
From the official website of Ammunition Hill, this link provides detailed information about the role of the Paratrooper Brigade during the Six Day War, including the conquest of Ammunition Hill
Soldiers Describe the Battle for Ammunition Hill & Jerusalem: 50 Years Later
Written by journalist Paul Auster to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, this article from the Jerusalem Post describes a meeting of the surviving soldiers who fought
PM Ariel Sharon’s Address at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill
This post presents the text of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s speech at the Jerusalem Day Ceremony at Ammunition Hill on 6 June 2005, in which he pays tribute to
The Battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War: Survival of a Nation
Produced by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, this moving video (08:29)Â tells the story of Israel’s 1967 battles for Jerusalem and the ensuing liberation of the Old City and the Western
20 Famous Quotes About Jerusalem
This post presents a selection of famous quotes about the power and role of Jerusalem from a wide range of sources, including the Bible, politicians, authors, poets and religious leaders.
Quotes from the Sages About Jerusalem
This post presents a collection of quotes from rabbinic liturgy describing the significance of Jerusalem in Jewish tradition. Quotes from the Sages About Jerusalem “Whoever did not see Jerusalem in
Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: “The Temple Mount is in Our Hands”
This short video from the Israel Defense Forces presents actual footage from the historic moment when Israeli soldiers overcame Arab troops and reached the Western Wall during the Six Day
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The Kingdom of the Hermon
Written by Yovav Katz, composed by Effi Netzer, and performed by the Military Band of the IDF in 1968, “Kingdom of the Hermon” is written as a love song from
Colonel Bagshot: Six Day War
From the 1971 album, “Oh, What a Lovely War,” many believe that this depresssing anti-war song entitled “Six Day War” by the British rock band, Colonel Bagshot, is indeed about
Chava Alberstein: My Daughter, Are you Cyring or Laughing?
Written after the Six Day War, this iconic Israeli song describes a young girl from Kibbutz Gadot not knowing how to react when she emerges from a bomb shelter in
Haim Hefer / Arik Lavi: Nasser is Waiting for Rabin
Written in the “waiting period” before the Six Day War, this upbeat song was written by Haim Hefer and performed by Arik Lavi to mock the Egyptian president and boost national
Ron Eliran: Sharm El Sheikh
Written by Ron Eliran during the Six Day War, this song commemorates Israel’s capture of Sharm El Sheikh, a city on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Eliran volunteered to
Naomi Shemer / Nachal Band: Tomorrow
Written by Naomi Shemer for the Nachal Military Band, this optimistic song which dreams of a time of peace and prosperity in Israel became popular following Israeli victory in the Six
One More Brother: A Song About the Conflict
This powerful song expresses the hopelessness of the endless cycle of violence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as a desire for peace. It was written by Israeli rapper The Big Fishi
With What Shall I Bless Him?
Written by Rachel Shapira in memory of her classmate Eldad Krock, a young reservist killed in the in the Six Day War, this this sad song is about an angel blessing
Ammunition Hill Song
Written by Yair Rosenblum and Yoram Taharlev, this famous song (in Hebrew with English subtitles) tells the story of the bloody battle on Ammunition Hill during the Six Day War. Ammunition
Miri Israeli: HaKotel (The Western Wall)
Written by American-born Israeli artist, Miri Israeli, this emotive song describes the Western Wall as a place where one can come for sincere prayer that will raise to the heavens.
Yaakov Shwekey at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day
This video presents snippets from the concert of the well-known Jewish musical entertainer, Yaakov Shwekey, at the Western Wall on Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) in 2017. The Jerusalem Flag Parade takes place
Yossi Gamzu: The Kotel (The Western Wall)
Written by Israeli lyricist Yossi Gamzu and performed by Israeli singer Ofra Haza, the song HaKotel conveys the significance of the Western Wall by the stories of three people who pray there:
Meir Ariel: Jerusalem of Iron
“Jerusalem of Iron” was written by Israeli singer-songwriter Meir Ariel following the Six Day War to the melody of Naomi Shemer’s famous “Jerusalem of Gold.” After taking part in the costly
Sabaton: Counterstrike – A Heavy Metal Song About the Six Day War
This video presents a song about the Six Day War by Sabaton, a Swedish heavy metal band who’s songs recount historical battles. The lyrics, provided below, tell the story of
Naomi Shemer: Yerushalayim Shel Zahav / Jerusalem of Gold
This popular Israeli song written by Naomi Shemer describes the Jewish people’s age-old yearning for and ultimate return to Jerusalem. Released just three weeks before the outbreak of the Six Day War
What Else?
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This platform was established with the goal of creating educational content and making it more accessible to educators around the world. All our activities revolve around Jerusalem, in its different
The Six Day War Scroll: The Story of Yom Yerushalayim and the Six Days of Deliverance
In this video (05:35), Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi introduces his book, “The Six Day War Scroll,” which tells the miraculous story of Israel’s victory in the Six Day War with an emphasis on
Six Day War Maps
This post presents three important maps for understanding the impact of the Six Day War: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs maps of Israel’s borders before and after the Six Day
Arab Political Six Day War Cartoons
This post presents ten political cartoons published before and during the Six Day War. Contributing to fear in Israeli society and the confidence in Arab society, the images all depict
BBC Archives: The Immediate Aftermath of the Six Day War
From the archives of the BBC, this video (04:52)Â presents the immediate aftermath of the Six Day War, reported live from Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Tel Aviv right after the war. The
The Story Behind the Six Day War’s Most Famous Photo
Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short interview (04:26) with photographer David Rubinger reveals the story behind the iconic picture of the Six Day War of three paratroopers in front of
An Interview with the Director of “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
Filmed at Ammunition Hill, this video (06:47) presents an interview with Erin Zimmerman, the director of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s documentary, “In Our Hands,” which tells the story of the
Trailer for “In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem”
This video (1:31) is a trailer for the Christian Broadcasting Network’s documentary, “In Our Hands,” which tells the story of the battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War. Combining dramatic
The Western Wall: A Poem
This poem by Anthony Shacknofsky conveys the significance of the Western Wall through a poetic summary of the history of this sacred site, from the days of the Temple, through destruction
Australian Students Visit the Western Wall for the First Time
This moving video captures the moment that 29 Jewish high school students from Australia visit the Western Wall for the first time, after learning and dreaming about it for 16
Voices of Jerusalem: Celebrating 50 Years Since the Reunification
Produced by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat in celebration of the 50th anniversary since the reunification of the city during the Six Day War, this video (02:48) conveys the uniqueness of Jerusalem
20 Famous Quotes About Jerusalem
This post presents a selection of famous quotes about the power and role of Jerusalem from a wide range of sources, including the Bible, politicians, authors, poets and religious leaders.
Light Show on the Old City Walls: A Timeline of Jerusalem
This video (09:52) presents a beautiful light show on the walls of the Old City, created as part of the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. To the backdrop
Liberating the Old City of Jerusalem: A Personal Story
Created by the Israel Defense Forces, this moving video (01:04) recalls the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall in the Six Day War through the
Quotes from the Sages About Jerusalem
This post presents a collection of quotes from rabbinic liturgy describing the significance of Jerusalem in Jewish tradition. Quotes from the Sages About Jerusalem “Whoever did not see Jerusalem in
A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem
This post offers the English translation of a selection of poems about Jerusalem, written by the iconic poet, Yehuda Amichai, who spent much of his life in the city. Some of
Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967
An excerpt from a longer article about the liberation of the Western Wall in the Six Day War in 1967 and the Israeli commitment to preserving freedom of worship for
Haim Hefer: The Paratroopers Are Crying
In this moving poem, Israeli songwriter, poet and writer, Haim Hefer, poetically describes the historic moment of the liberation of the Western Wall by Israeli paratroopers in the Six Day War