Eishet Chayil: A Woman of Valor
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Eishet Chayil Q&A
This excerpt from an article by Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky presents and responds to both technical and philosophical questions about specific words and verses in Eishet Chayil. Due to his use of Hebrew
On Labor Day, Let’s Consider a New ‘Woman of Valor’
This article, posted on Labor Day by Lana Adler, criticizes Eishet Chayil for celebrating a woman who works only for others, instead of herself. While she is certainly capable and
Women of Valor: An Evolving Role Model
In this article, Jordyn Rozensky explores the concept of valor from a modern, feminist perspective, challenging readers to think about what it means to them and who they consider contemporary “Women of Valor.”
A Valorous Woman: A Feminist Critique of Eishet Chayil
This blog post by Ellie Kahn challenges the impossible standards to which women have always been held, from Biblical times (as seen in Proverbs 31, the text of Eishet Chayil) through
A Love Letter to the Woman of Valor
In this scholarly article, Dr. Malka Simkovich describes her evolving relationship to the song Eishet Chayil. While she once disregarded it as outdated and misogynistic, upon a closer analysis of
Happy to Skip Eishet Chayil: A Modern Feminist Critique
In this personal critique, Lauren Kramer challenges the traditional custom of singing Eishet Chayil to the woman of the house on Friday night. She claims that the words are outdated
Standing or Sitting for Shalom Aleichem and Eshet Chayil?
This short post states that there is no uniform custom for whether the songs “Shalom Aleichem” and “Eshet Chayil” should be sung standing or sitting on Friday night. This response was written by Rabbi
Eishet Chayil: A Template for Modern Women
In this article, a modern woman who lives by Jewish tradition explains why she feels that Eishet Chayil is very relevant for her and her family. In response to another
How Eishet Chayil Shaped One Woman’s Evolving Jewish Identity
In this personal article, Sarah Zell Young shares how her religious journey is reflected in her evolving relationship with the words of Eishet Chayil. From her initial embracing of traditional observance,
Origins and Interpretations of Proverbs 31
This brief article from Wikipedia offers an introduction to Proverbs 31, the Biblical source for Eishet Chayil. It provides both literal and classic interpretations of the text, and gives different theories as
More Precious Than Pearls: A Digital Book of Essays on Eishet Chayil
This 94 page book, “More Precious Than Pearls: A Prayer for the Women of Valor in Our Lives,” is a collection of ten essays discussing Eishet Chayil from a wide variety of
How To Read Eshet Chayil: Reflections from a Feminist Scholar
This reflection by feminist scholar, Dr. Wendy Zierler, traces her evolving relationship with the words of Eshet Chayil over the course of her life. She suggests several ways of reading the text,
Why We Recite Eishet Chayil on Friday Night
In order to explain why Eishet Chayil is traditionally sung on Shabbat, this detailed article by Rabbi Yehuda Shuprin offers insight into the literal reading of the text, as well as several
Which Biblical Woman Was the Original Eishet Chayil?
This essay discusses some theories as to which biblical woman the poem, Eishet Chayil, could be referring. The author, Asher Gabbay, suggests that since the only woman in the Bible specifically
Introduction to Eishet Chayil: Meaning, Origins, How To, English Text
This detailed article by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett provides a thorough introduction to Eishet Chayil, including the meaning, origins, and practical how-to’s of singing this song on Friday night, along with the English translation of the
One Jewish Woman’s Musings on Eishet Chayil
In this personal blog post, Amy Meltzer shares her desire, as a Jewish woman, to hear her praises sung at her family’s Friday night table, particularly since showing such appreciation
A Scholarly and Contextual Approach to the Identity of the Eshet Chayil
This scholarly article argues that there is no single answer to the question “Who is the Eishet Chayil?” because the interpretation relies upon the context in which it is read. Professor
A Complete Guide to Eishet Chayil
This thorough article offers a complete introduction to the custom of singing Eishet Chayil on Friday night, including the reasons behind the ritual, a step-by-step guide noting common customs, the Hebrew,
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Halfon Family: A Cappella Eishet Chayil
This impressive home video features the Halfon family singing a harmonic, a cappella rendition of Ben Zion Shekner’s famous melody for Eishet Chayil. The Halfon family, made up of Naomi, Valerie,
Shabbat Songs Project: Israeli Artists Perform Eishet Chayil
This video features a unique version of Ben Zion Shenker’s popular Eishet Chayil melody, performed by a collection of Israeli artists as part of a project that aims to spread
Ofir Nagar: Mizrahi Influenced Eishet Chayil
This original version of Eishet Chayil was the first song that Israeli musician Ofir Nagar ever performed in front of an audience – at his own wedding! Although he devoted
Blue Fringe: A Jewish Pop-Rock Song Inspired by Eishet Chayil
This pop-rock song by Blue Fringe, entitled “Eshet Chayil,” is about a couple who are predestined for one another and commit to be together forever. If not for the chorus,
Yosef Karduner: Original Melody for Eishet Chayil
This original melody for Eishet Chayil comes from Yosef Karduner‘s album, “Dibur Pashut” (“Simple Talk”). An Israeli Hasidic singer, songwriter, and composer, Karduner is heavily influenced by the teachings of Rebbe Nachman
Avrumy Holczler: Professional Hasidic Singer Performs Eishet Chayil at His Own Wedding
This video features Avrumy Holczler, an alto singer in the Zemiros Group, performing an original composition of the first and last two verses of Eishet Chayil at his wedding. The Zemiros
Adash: A Cappella Eishet Chayil by a Czech Vocal Ensemble
This video features an original a cappella performance of Eishet Chayil by Adash, a vocal ensemble from Ostrava University in the Czech Republic. The ensemble developed out of a unique
AYEKA: “Eshes Chayil” – The Eternal Search for the Divine Presence
This deeply spiritual and poetic song by AYEKA (literally, “Where Are You”), entitled “Eshes Chayil,” is about the search for the Divine Presence in the world. Known in Hebrew as the
Rav Shmuel Brazil: Original Eishet Chayil Melody
This is a recording of Rabbi Shmuel Brazil’s original rendition of Eishet Chayil, from the “Regesh Volume 7 – Shabbos” album. Rav Shmuel Brazil is an American singer and composer of original
Yosef Karduner: Breslov Melody for Eishet Chayil
This solemn melody for Eishet Chayil comes from Yosef Karduner‘s album, “Yearning for Shabbat: Traditional Breslov Songs for Shabbat Night.” An Israeli Hasidic singer, songwriter, and composer, Karduner is heavily influenced
Groom Serenades Bride with Eishet Chayil at Wedding
In this romantic video a groom serenades his new bride at their wedding using the popular melody composed by Ben Zion Shenker. All about a man’s search for a woman who possesses
Eishet Chayil as a Eulogy at a Funeral
In this moving video, David Mandler sings Eishet Chayil as an ode to his late grandmother, Chaya Hentche bas Chenoch, at her funeral in Budapest. This solemn tune begins with his own
The Maccabeats: A Cappella Eishet Chayil
This audio recording presents an original melody for the first three verses of Eishet Chayil performed by the Maccabeats, an all-male Jewish a cappella group that originally formed as Yeshiva
Sensation Band: A Billy Joel Eishet Chayil
This video features Sensation Band performing the first four and last two verses of Eishet Chayil to the tune of Billy Joel’s “Just The Way You Are.” The UK-based event band
Micha’el Eliyahu BenDavid: Eishet Chayil
This music video presents an ethnically inspired version of Eishet Chayil by Micha’el Eliyahu BenDavid, a Christian-born musician who aims to sing the songs of Zion with joy in order to
Qiyan Krets: Sephardic Influenced Eishet Chayil by a Nordic Musical Ensemble
This audio recording presents an ethnically inspired version of the first eight verses of Eishet Chayil by Qiyan Krets, a female musical ensemble that describe themselves as a Nordic excursion into the world
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Eishet Chayil
This audio recording features Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach singing his original melody for Eishet Chayil. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (1925-1994), also known as the “Singing Rabbi,” composed thousands of melodies and recorded over 25 albums.
Eitan Katz: Emotive Eishet Chayil
This audio recording features popular Jewish musician Eitan Katz performing his slow melody for Eishet Chayil. A member of an extremely musical family who was heavily influenced by the music of R’ Shlomo Carlebach, Eitan
The Barry Sisters: A Yiddish Swing Eishet Chayil
This video presents an upbeat, jazzy Yiddish version of Eishet Chayil performed by the Barry Sisters, popular American Klezmer and jazz entertainers from the 1940s-1970s. Originally known as the Bagelman Sisters,
William Goldstein: An Emotional Eishet Chayil Tribute to his Mother
This emotional video is William Goldstein’s tribute to his beloved mother Sylvia, complete with a backdrop of pictures and videos. Goldstein is a celebrated composer with over 40 albums who has
Dudi Kalish: A Hebrew and Yiddish Song Inspired by Eishet Chayil
This video features Jewish singers Dudi Kalish and Ari Hill performing an original song by Kalish, inspired by Eishet Chayil. The lyrics include Hebrew verses from the traditional text of
A Eulogy for Ben Zion Shenker, Composer of the Most Famous Eishet Chayil Melody
This post includes an article from The New York Times about the Jewish composer, Ben Zion Shenker, who composed the most famous melody for Eishet Chayil, sung in Jewish homes around
Elli Kranzler: Upbeat Version of Eishet Chayil
This audio clip presents an upbeat version of Eishet Chayil sung by Dr. Elli Kranzler, a psychiatrist, musical performer, and the Chazzan at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale in NYC.
Eliezer Diamond: Upbeat Version of Eishet Chayil
This audio clip presents an upbeat version of the first eight verses of Eishet Chayil sung by Dr. Eliezer Diamond, an author, scholar, and Associate Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics at The
Festive Melody for Eishet Chayil
This audio clip presents an upbeat version of the first two verses of Eishet Chayil from the YouTube album “Shabbat Songs,” collection of traditional Shabbat prayers and hymns.
New York School of Jewish Song: Boys Choir Sing Eishet Chayil
This audio recording features an American young boys’ choir singing a lovely melody for Eishet Chayil with Orthodox Asheknazi pronunciation from the New York School of Jewish Song album
Alicia Jo Rabins: An Indie-Folk Retranslation of Eishet Chayil
In this video, Alicia Jo Rabins performs “Rubies,” a modern adaptation of Eishet Chayil, which she describes as a love song to the mother of the family that also makes a
Juliet Spitzer: A Woman of Valor for Today
The music and lyrics for this modern version of Eishet Chayil were composed by singer/songwriter Juliet Spitzer, who describes herself as a “devout post-denominational Jew” and a feminist. The lyrics, which
Yaakov Shwekey: An Original Song Inspired by Eishet Chayil
This video presents an emotive rendition of the first two and last two verses of Eishet Chayil performed by the well-known Jewish musical entertainer, Yaakov Shwekey, including on screen Hebrew, English and
The IDF Rabbinical Choir Sings Eishet Chayil at Dinner
In this home video, the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Rabbinical Choir, led by Chief Cantor Shai Abramson, sings a harmonic accapella arrangement of a portion of Eishet Chayil. They sang this song
Guitar Chords for Ben Zion Shenker’s Popular Eishet Chayil Melody
This website offers the guitar chords for the most popular melody for Eishet Chayil, composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1953. The website offers the transliteration of the first eight verses
Ehud Banai: Mizrahi Influenced Eshet Chayil
This simple, repetitive tune for Eshet Chayil is performed by Ehud Banai, one of the most influential artists in Israel. This song is from his album, “New Song,” where most of the tracks are based
What Else?
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English Translation of Eishet Chayil with Animated Graphic Representations
This well-produced video presents an artistic graphic representation of each verse of Eishet Chayil, including a translation of the words into English as well as pleasant background music. This video
A Groom’s Eishet Chayil Inspired Poem to his Bride
In this lighthearted, low quality video, Josh Lannik recites an original rhyming poem to his new wife, Liz Shayne, at their wedding. To the delight of the guests, the groom recites
Blessing the Beloved: An Alternative to Eishet Chayil for Opposite & Same Sex Couples
This excerpt from Marcia Falk‘s “The Book of Blessings” offers an alternative ceremony to Eishet Chayil, based on verses in the Song of Songs. Because of the gendered nature of
A Poem Inspired by Eishet Chayil
In this poem, Eric S. Kingston explores the concept of a Woman of Valor, focusing on both a woman’s ability to change the world through her actions, as well as her
A Pictorial View of the Woman of Valor
This creative post by Karen Wolfers-Rapaport includes a photographic representation of each verse of Eishet Chayil, along with background information and deeper explanations of the text. It is an interesting resource for
An Artist’s Interpretation of Eishet Chayil
This artistic interpretation of Eishet Chayil by Roni Pinto features the image of a woman lighting Shabbat candles, made up out of the Hebrew letters of Eishet Chayil. Roni Pinto explores
People of Valor: Changing Traditions at an Egalitarian Summer Camp
In this blog post, Hani Fish-Bieler recalls how the staff and campers at Camp Ramah, a Conservative egalitarian sleepover camp, decided to change an old camp tradition where on the last
An Empowering Eishet Chayil Poem from a Healing Ritual for Abused Women
The following poem is a short excerpt from a healing ceremony designed to assure an abused Jewish woman that she is not alone. This empowering and optimistic version of Eishet
In Search of Eishet Chayil: An Empowering Lesson Plan for Adolescent Girls
This thorough lesson plan by Aya Baron is designed to help adolescent girls feel empowered, valorous, and aware of the messages sent to them by mainstream media and Jewish tradition,
A Response to Eishet Chayil: An Egalitarian Poem from Wife to Husband
This poem, meant to be recited by a wife to her husband, was written by Ruth F. Brin as a response to the traditional Eishet Chayil. Whereas the text from
A Ceremony to Honor Women & A Modern Version of Eishet Chayil
This ceremony was designed to honor the women in our lives and learn from their character traits and contributions. Based on the concept of Eishet Chayil, that it is important
A Contemporary “Women of Valor” Ceremony for the Passover Seder
This ceremony, meant to be performed before drinking the third cup of wine at the Passover seder, encourages people to honor contemporary (mostly American) Jewish “women of valor” who have made
Juliet Spitzer: A Woman of Valor for Today
The music and lyrics for this modern version of Eishet Chayil were composed by singer/songwriter Juliet Spitzer, who describes herself as a “devout post-denominational Jew” and a feminist. The lyrics, which
Gender Bias in Translation: Why is “Chayil” Often Translated as “Virtuous”?
This thorough article examines the different ways that the word “chayil” is used throughout the Bible, suggesting that gender bias has influenced translators and commentators to understand “chayil” differently when it is
A Feminist Eishet Chayil Poem
In this post, Tamara Cohen, a Jewish feminist writer, activist and educator, shares personal memories of how her mother, a hard-working professional woman and feminist, was gratified to have Eishet Chayil sung
Rituals & Ceremonies
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Yosef Karduner: Breslov Melody for Eishet Chayil
This solemn melody for Eishet Chayil comes from Yosef Karduner‘s album, “Yearning for Shabbat: Traditional Breslov Songs for Shabbat Night.” An Israeli Hasidic singer, songwriter, and composer, Karduner is heavily influenced
Yemenite Custom for Eishet Chayil
This website presents an audio recording of the late Yemenite poet and singer Binyamin Nachum singing Eishet Chayil with the unique chanting style used in Yemenite custom. This recording is
Eishet Chayil with On Screen English, Hebrew, Transliterated Text
This video presents a slow but lively version of one of the most popular melodies for Eishet Chayil, composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1953. There are on screen English, Hebrew
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Today’s Woman of Valor: An Empowering Adaptation of Eishet Chayil
This adaptation of Eishet Chayil by Ahava Lilith EverShine goes through each verse of the traditional text, providing a modern interpretation of how the concepts can be applied to a
Introduction to Eishet Chayil: Video & Text (Hebrew, English, Transliteration)
This video presents a simple, clear version of the most popular melody for Eishet Chayil, composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1953. With on screen Hebrew, English and transliterated lyrics of the text
Guitar Chords for Ben Zion Shenker’s Popular Eishet Chayil Melody
This website offers the guitar chords for the most popular melody for Eishet Chayil, composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1953. The website offers the transliteration of the first eight verses
Introduction to Eishet Chayil: Meaning, Origins, How To, English Text
This detailed article by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett provides a thorough introduction to Eishet Chayil, including the meaning, origins, and practical how-to’s of singing this song on Friday night, along with the English translation of the
Eishet Chayil with On Screen English, Hebrew, Transliterated Text
This video presents a slow but lively version of one of the most popular melodies for Eishet Chayil, composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1953. There are on screen English, Hebrew
A Complete Guide to Eishet Chayil
This thorough article offers a complete introduction to the custom of singing Eishet Chayil on Friday night, including the reasons behind the ritual, a step-by-step guide noting common customs, the Hebrew,
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