Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Jews around the world spend the day praying, reflecting, and fasting.Â
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What is Yom Kippur?
This 4-minute long animated video presents an excellent overview of the origins, significance and customs of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Useful for people of all ages and backgrounds,
A Guide to Yom Kippur Prayers
This informative article by Conservative Rabbi Daniel Kohn provides a guide for Yom Kippur prayer services, including the origins, content, and rituals of each of the five services: Kol Nidrei, Shacharit, Mussaf, Mincha, and Neilah.
Maimonides’ 4 Steps to Teshuvah
This short video outlines the four steps to teshuvah (repentance), according to Maimonides: regret our actions, stop doing them, confess or apologize, and commit to changing our behavior in the
Yom Kippur: Becoming the Artists of Our Own Lives
In this creative 5 minute long video, Rabbi Irwin Kula describes the significance of Yom Kippur using an analogy that our lives are a work of art, where we are the
Yom Kippur: The Three Levels of Forgiveness
In this 3.5 minute long video from Aish.com, Orthodox Rabbi, Etiel Goldwicht explores how to truly forgive someone who has hurt you before Yom Kippur. Rabbi Goldwicht delves deep into the three
Yom Kippur FAQ: All About the Day of Atonement
This thorough article answers all of your questions about Yom Kippur, including a basic introduction to the Jewish Day of Atonement, an explanation of customs and synagogue services, and how to
Guide to the Ashamnu Portion of the Vidui (Confessions)
This link provides introductory information to the “Ashamnu” part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy, including the Hebrew, English and transliterated text, as well as a step-by-step guide for how to
Text & Exploration of the Al Chet Section of Vidui (Confessions)
This article by Rabbi Shraga Simmons explores each line of part of the “Al Chet” portion of the Vidui confession, recited during each of the five prayer services on Yom Kippur. With guiding
Yom Kippur Cheat Sheet: Readings to Help You Focus
This 4-page long PDF document is full of profound poems, prayers, quotes and readings that will help you focus on the essence of Yom Kippur – so you don’t “cheat”
How to Observe Yom Kippur 2018
This introductory article from Chabad.org explains the history, customs and deep spiritual significance of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. The article briefly outlines what to do (and not do!) before, during and
What To Do the Day Before Yom Kippur
This introductory article from Chabad.org provides a brief overview of the mitzvot and rituals performed on the day before Yom Kippur, according to Orthodox custom, including the kaparot atonement ritual, making amends with people
Yom Kippur: How God Helps Us Come Clean
In this short yet profound video, Charlie Harary compares the relationship between a child and parent to that of man and God, claiming that just as parents help their children do the things
Yom Kippur: Everyone Falls
In this empowering video (04:37), Charlie Harary reminds us that failure is an inevitable part of the human experience in every aspect of life, from work and relationships to spirituality. A profound message
Yom Kippur for Kids
In this sweet, interactive video, Rabbi David and Kerry Bar-Cohn introduce young children to the rituals and significance of Yom Kippur, including saying sorry to friends, family, and God, fasting, praying, and
Humanistic Judaism’s Approach to Yom Kippur
This introductory article from the Society for Humanistic Judaism explains the themes and customs of Yom Kippur according to the Humanistic community. The movement has reinterpreted many traditional ideas and
The Crash Course on Yom Kippur
In this 6-minute long video, Orthodox Rabbi, Avraham Goldhar, presents an excellent overview of the significance and customs of Yom Kippur, “a spiritual homecoming for the Jewish people.” He summarizes the ancient
Yom Kippur in 60 Seconds
This minute long animated video presents a brief overview of the origins, significance and customs of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. Useful for people of all ages, with amusing animations
Jewish Holidays Explained: What is Yom Kippur?
This short video provides a brief introduction to the process of teshuvah (repentance), culminating in the holiday of Yom Kippur. Rabbi John Carrier of Reform Burbank Temple Emanuel explains how fasting and afflicting our
The Secret to a Guilt-Free Yom Kippur
In this short but empowering video, social worker, Chayi Hanfling, encourages viewers to understand the crucial difference between negative guilt and constructive regret on Yom Kippur. While this day is
Feeling the Love in Judgement: Special for the High Holidays
In this short and sweet animated video, Rabbi David Aaron shares the profound message that judgement is actually an act of love. Comparing the relationship between a child and parent
The History of Yom Kippur
This article from ReformJudaism.org presents the historical development of the focus and rituals of Yom Kippur, from its biblical origins as a day centered on the Temple services to a
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Ki Anu Amecha: A Yom Kippur Piyut
This video presents a well known melody for “Ki Anu Amecha,” one of the most iconic pieces from the Yom Kippur liturgy, in which we invoke God’s forgiveness by describing
Leonard Cohen: Who By Fire
This video presents Who By Fire, a haunting song by the late Jewish Canadian singer-songwriter, poet and novelist Leonard Cohen based on the liturgical prayer, Unetaneh Tokef, recited during prayer services on both Rosh
The IDF Sings Unetanneh Tokeh to a Melody Inspired by the Yom Kippur War
To the backdrop of footage from the Yom Kippur War, this moving video shows the IDF Chief Cantor Ltc. Shai Abramson and IDF soldiers singing the prayer “Unetanneh Tokef” to the
Barbra Streisand’s Avinu Malkeinu (Our Father, Our King)
This video presents Jewish American singer, actress, and filmmaker, Barbra Streisand, performing Avinu Malkeinu for former Israeli President Simon Peres at his 90th birthday celebration. Avinu Malkeinu (Our Father, Our King) is a
El Nora Alila: Sephardic Neilah Piyut
In this video, composer and cantor Eyal Bitton performs Turkish, Moroccan and Spanish/Portuguese melodies for El Nora Alila, a Sephardic liturgical prayer sung at the beginning of the Neilah service at
Yom Kippur: A Book of Jonah Rock Song
This animated music video connects the biblical story of Jonah, read during the Yom Kippur afternoon haftarah, to the day’s themes of repentance, atonement and forgiveness, as well as how the holiday
A Yiddish Yom Kippur Song: Odom Yesodo Meofor
This video presents a Yiddish song based on “Odom Yesodo Meofor,” one of the core High Holiday Prayers of the Jewish Liturgy. Although the song is in Yiddish, there is an
At the Closing of the Gates: A Neilah Song
This video presents a gentle welcome to the Neilah service at the end of Yom Kippur, written and performed by Irwin Keller, spiritual leader of the Reconstructionist/Renewal Congregation Ner Shalom in Sonoma County,
Jazz/Classical/Folk Version of Sephardic El Nora Alila Piyut
In this video, Italian Jewish singer Charlette Shulamit Ottolenghi performs a unique version of El Nora Alila, combining jazz, classical and folk music for this Sephardic liturgical prayer sung at the beginning of
Tap Your Heart: A Catchy “Ashamnu” for Kids
In this sweet video, Eliana Light presents a catchy children’s song based on the “Ashamnu” part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy. With a catchy chorus, hand motions and meaningful lyrics, this
The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Ki Anu Amecha
This video presents Israeli singer Erez Lev Ari performing the popular Chabad melody for “Ki Anu Amecha,” one of the most iconic pieces from the Yom Kippur liturgy, in which we invoke
Guide to the Ashamnu Portion of the Vidui (Confessions)
This link provides introductory information to the “Ashamnu” part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy, including the Hebrew, English and transliterated text, as well as a step-by-step guide for how to
Review, Restart, and Release: A Yom Kippur Hymn
This video presents an original Yom Kippur hymn by Phil Straus, where the photographer explores what Yom Kippur means to him. The lyrics below explore common themes of the day,
Moroccan Kol Nidrei
This audio recording (9:23) presents an authentic Moroccan Sephardi Kol Nidrei sung by Rabbi Eliahou Elbaz from Meknes, Morocco. In the opening services of Yom Kippur, Kol Nidrei proactively annuls any oaths made to God
Neil Diamond’s Kol Nidrei from “The Jazz Singer”
This short clip is from the 1980 American drama film, The Jazz Singer, in which the son of a Jewish Cantor must defy the traditions of his religious father in order
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach’s Kol Nidrei
This 6 minute long audio recording features Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach singing a moving rendition of Kol Nidrei, the opening services on the eve of Yom Kippur, in which any oaths made to God for the
The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
This video presents a popular Ashkenazi melody for the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. Enumerated in Exodus 34:6–7 these Divine Attributes are frequently recited in the selichot penitential prayers before and after Rosh Hashanah,
Phish’s Avinu Malkeinu (My Father, My King)
This video presents the American jam band, Phish, performing their version of Avinu Malkeinu (Our Father, Our King), a desperate plea for mercy, blessing and forgiveness recited as part of the services
Mogwai’s Heavy Metal Avinu Malkeinu (My Father, My King)
This video presents the Scottish post-rock band, Mogwai, performing a 10 minute long heavy metal version of Avinu Malkeinu (Our Father, Our King), a desperate plea for mercy, blessing and forgiveness
A Calming Melody for the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
This post offers the Hebrew and English text of The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, as well as a calming melody composed by The Nava Tehila Ensemble. Enumerated in Exodus 34:6–7 these Divine Attributes are frequently recited
Audio Recordings of Sephardic High Holiday Liturgy
This link will take you to the High Holiday section of the Sephardic Hazzanut Project website, where you can listen to audio recordings of many of the piyutim, prayers and
Mareh Kohen: A Song About the High Priest’s Yom Kippur Service
This post provides an audio recording of “Mareh Kohen,” a song from the Yom Kippur Mussaf prayer service that attempts to capture the immense joy, relief and gratitude of the
L’Shana Haba’ah: Next Year in Jerusalem
This song captures the eternal Jewish hope and prayer for the return to Jerusalem. Even though the Jewish people have technically returned to the city of Jerusalem, this song is still
What Else?
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Exploring the Al Het Confessional Prayer Through Jewish Peoplehood
This post explores the idea of collective responsibility through the text of the “Al Het” confession liturgy from Yom Kippur prayer services. An educational resource created by Jewish Peoplehood, an
Yom Kippur Cheat Sheet: Readings to Help You Focus
This 4-page long PDF document is full of profound poems, prayers, quotes and readings that will help you focus on the essence of Yom Kippur – so you don’t “cheat”
Ahavnu: A Positive Version of the Ashamnu Vidui Prayer
This post presents Rabbi Avi Weiss’ positive version of the Ashamnu prayer, an alphabetical acrostic of 22 sins recited during each of the five prayer services on Yom Kippur. Based
A Yom Kippur Glossary of Hebrew Terms
This glossary from ReformJudaism.org translates and explains many Hebrew words and phrases that one may come across over Yom Kippur, including traditional holiday greetings, biblical terminology, and words that appear throughout the liturgy.Â
An Alternative Avinu Malkeinu: Our Parent, Our Sovereign
Written by Rabbi Burt Jacobson of the Jewish Renewal movement, this alternative version of the liturgical prayer, Avinu Malkeinu, refers to God not only as our Father and King, but also our
An Israel-Focused High Holiday Lesson Plan
This thorough lesson plan aims to help students “taste” the ethnic diversity of the Jewish communities in Israel, experience the immense weight and meaning of the Yom Kippur War in Israeli
Prayers, Meditations, Stories & Poems for Yom Kippur
This post offers a list of links to prayers, meditations, stories and poetry for Yom Kippur, written by Alden Solovy, a Jewish poet, liturgist and teacher whose prayers have been used
Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv
With scenes of empty highways, closed shops, and deserted beaches, this video shows how one day a year – on Yom Kippur, the fast-paced metropolis of Tel Aviv slows down, the
Sandy Koufax & Yom Kippur
This short video from abc 7 news looks back at the impact of the historical moment in both sports and Jewish American life, when Sandy Koufax, a former American Major League Baseball (MLB)
The IDF Sings Unetanneh Tokeh to a Melody Inspired by the Yom Kippur War
To the backdrop of footage from the Yom Kippur War, this moving video shows the IDF Chief Cantor Ltc. Shai Abramson and IDF soldiers singing the prayer “Unetanneh Tokef” to the
Jewish Emptiness: Kavannot for Kol Nidrei
This post presents ideas and guiding questions to be contemplated to oneself or as a community before Kol Nidrei, the opening service of Yom Kippur, in which one preemptively annuls
Menus for Before and After the Yom Kippur Fast
Taking into account medical advice for an easier fast and different Jewish ethnic traditions, this article offers menu ideas and recipes for the meals before and after the Yom Kippur
The eScapegoat: A Modern Take on the Biblical Yom Kippur Ritual
This humorous, animated video introduces the eScapegoat – a modern take on the biblical ritual where the sins of the nation were symbolically transferred to a goat, who was then
Turning & Returning: A Yom Kippur Poem
This poetic prayer by Rabbi Shelly Barnathan asks God to help us connect to the pure essence of our divine soul on Yom Kippur – as both individuals and a
Meditation before Yom Kippur for One Who Cannot Fast
This poem is a meditation written by Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub to enable those who cannot fast on Yom Kippur due to medical conditions to infuse their eating with heightened
A Book of Jonah Play for Yom Kippur Afternoon
This post offers the 12-page script of a creative play designed to supplement or replace the reading of the Book of Jonah on Yom Kippur afternoon. A novel way to bring out
Enhancing Our Fast with Meditation, Ritual, Blessing & Teaching
This article provides resources to help one focus on the spiritual essence of the Yom Kippur fast, including a meditation adapted from the Talmud, a blessing to recite upon starting
Mikveh Ritual of Purification for Yom Kippur
This post provides the outline and texts for a mikveh immersion ceremony to spiritually prepare for Yom Kippur. With guiding questions, kavanot (intentions), Hebrew and English blessings, and musical chants from
A Vidui Meditation
This post presents a personal, meditative approach to the Ashamnu prayer, an alphabetical acrostic of 22 sins recited during each of the five prayer services on Yom Kippur. With guiding questions
Neil Diamond’s Kol Nidrei from “The Jazz Singer”
This short clip is from the 1980 American drama film, The Jazz Singer, in which the son of a Jewish Cantor must defy the traditions of his religious father in order
A Yom Kippur Website for Children
This link will take you to an entire website dedicated to teaching children about Yom Kippur in a fun and interactive way. With holiday guides, videos, stories, games, and arts and crafts
Deconstructed Al Het Activity
This link will lead you to a detailed outline of a ritual activity based on the traditional “Al Het” confessional prayer, wherein the community collectively confess their sins together during
Where to Stream High Holiday Services Online
This article provides a list of non-denominational, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist and Renewal synagogues around the world that live-stream their High Holiday prayer services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Because the use of
Egalitarian Versions of Hu Ya’anenu (Selichot & Yom Kippur)
This post provides links to several different versions of “Hu Ya’anenu,” a prayer that recalls how God mercifully answered our forefathers in ancient times, assuring us that our prayers will
Who By Fire: A Poem of Doubt and Return
This poem by non-traditional rabbi and spiritual seeker, Rabbi Patrick A. Beaulier, explores many of the intense themes of Rosh Hashanah through a piece based on the liturgical prayer, Unetaneh Tokef. This poem was shared
For Kids: Really, Really Sorry!
This entertaining animated video (9:08) teaches young children about the challenges and importance of saying sorry – and meaning it – as a step in making things right. Perfect for the High
Shofar Meditations for the Days of Awe
This post offers two guided meditations based on the imagery and spiritual power of the shofar. Designed for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by Ariel Neshama Lee, these healing meditations encourage
A Mikveh Immersion Ceremony for Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur
This post provides the outline and texts for a mikveh immersion ceremony to spiritually prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. With guiding questions, kavanot (intentions), and Hebrew and English
Rituals & Ceremonies
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Text for Kaparot with Money
This post presents the Hebrew and English texts of the traditional Kaparot ceremony over money, in which the sins of a person are symbolically absolved through giving charity on the day
The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
This video presents a popular Ashkenazi melody for the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. Enumerated in Exodus 34:6–7 these Divine Attributes are frequently recited in the selichot penitential prayers before and after Rosh Hashanah,
Guide to the Ashamnu Portion of the Vidui (Confessions)
This link provides introductory information to the “Ashamnu” part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy, including the Hebrew, English and transliterated text, as well as a step-by-step guide for how to
Mareh Kohen: A Song About the High Priest’s Yom Kippur Service
This post provides an audio recording of “Mareh Kohen,” a song from the Yom Kippur Mussaf prayer service that attempts to capture the immense joy, relief and gratitude of the
Moroccan Kol Nidrei
This audio recording (9:23) presents an authentic Moroccan Sephardi Kol Nidrei sung by Rabbi Eliahou Elbaz from Meknes, Morocco. In the opening services of Yom Kippur, Kol Nidrei proactively annuls any oaths made to God
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach’s Kol Nidrei
This 6 minute long audio recording features Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach singing a moving rendition of Kol Nidrei, the opening services on the eve of Yom Kippur, in which any oaths made to God for the
El Nora Alila: Sephardic Neilah Piyut
In this video, composer and cantor Eyal Bitton performs Turkish, Moroccan and Spanish/Portuguese melodies for El Nora Alila, a Sephardic liturgical prayer sung at the beginning of the Neilah service at
Ki Anu Amecha: A Yom Kippur Piyut
This video presents a well known melody for “Ki Anu Amecha,” one of the most iconic pieces from the Yom Kippur liturgy, in which we invoke God’s forgiveness by describing
Ahavnu: A Positive Version of the Ashamnu Vidui Prayer
This post presents Rabbi Avi Weiss’ positive version of the Ashamnu prayer, an alphabetical acrostic of 22 sins recited during each of the five prayer services on Yom Kippur. Based
Proclamation of Faith from Neilah Service
This link from Chabad.org presents an audio recording of the apex of the Neilah service, the closing service of the day, where, we beg God one last time to accept our repentance
Text & Exploration of the Al Chet Section of Vidui (Confessions)
This article by Rabbi Shraga Simmons explores each line of part of the “Al Chet” portion of the Vidui confession, recited during each of the five prayer services on Yom Kippur. With guiding
Humanistic Yom Kippur Services
This post offers links to complete Yom Kippur services from Kahal B’raira, a congregation for Humanistic Judaism in Cambridge, MA. Inspired by both traditional Jewish texts and non-Jewish sources, these communal
Conservative Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur Evening Services
This excerpt from the Conservative Machzor Lev Shalom for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts for the entire Yom Kippur evening service, including Kol Nidrei, Selichot and Vidui.
Egalitarian Versions of Hu Ya’anenu (Selichot & Yom Kippur)
This post provides links to several different versions of “Hu Ya’anenu,” a prayer that recalls how God mercifully answered our forefathers in ancient times, assuring us that our prayers will
We Need Justice and Kindness: A Humanistic Prayer for Selichot
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated words for a prayer for justice, kindness, and social responsibility written by Humanistic Rabbis Sherwin Wine and Binyamin Biber. Based on words attributed
Selichot Service with Kabbalistic Intentions
This link opens up a 38 page long Kabbalistic Selichot Service, containing the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of traditional prayers, along with short spiritual and mystical intentions for each prayer.
Psalm 27: A Psalm for the High Holiday Season
This post offers the Hebrew and English text of Psalm 27, recited twice daily from the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul through Shemini Atzeret, which concludes the High
How to Find a Machzor (High Holiday Prayer Book)
This comprehensive article serves as a guide to finding the right High Holiday Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for you, including links to purchase a prayer book online
Audio Recordings of Sephardic High Holiday Liturgy
This link will take you to the High Holiday section of the Sephardic Hazzanut Project website, where you can listen to audio recordings of many of the piyutim, prayers and
Audio Recordings of Ashkenazi Shabbat & High Holiday Liturgy
This link will take you to the musical prayer navigator of Mechon Hadar, where you can find audio recordings for each part of the synagogue service for Shabbat, weekday, Rosh Hashanah,
Tkhine of the Matriarchs for Yizkor
This “tkhine” (supplication) is a para-liturgical prayer in Yiddish with an English translation that is meant to be recited following the Yizkor Memorial service. The prayer beseeches God for mercy, blessing
Yizkor: The Memorial Prayer
This informative article from Chabad.org provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the Yizkor memorial prayer recited following the Torah reading in the synagogue on Passover, Shavuot, Shemini Atzeret
Selichot at the Western Wall
This short video shows thousands of Jews gathering together for the final night of Selichot prayers before Yom Kippur at the Western Wall. The penitential prayers are traditionally recited between
Traditional Practices - Learn How
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Tips for an Easy Fast
In this practical article from Judaism 101, the author, Tracey Rich, provides helpful tips to stay healthy during the Yom Kippur fast. Including suggestions for before and during the fast, this article suggests
Yizkor: The Memorial Prayer
This informative article from Chabad.org provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the Yizkor memorial prayer recited following the Torah reading in the synagogue on Passover, Shavuot, Shemini Atzeret
How to Find a Machzor (High Holiday Prayer Book)
This comprehensive article serves as a guide to finding the right High Holiday Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for you, including links to purchase a prayer book online
Guide to the Ashamnu Portion of the Vidui (Confessions)
This link provides introductory information to the “Ashamnu” part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy, including the Hebrew, English and transliterated text, as well as a step-by-step guide for how to
How to Make a Shofar
This 4 minute long video shows how a ram’s horn is transformed into a shofar, the musical instrument and ritual object used throughout the month of Elul and during Rosh
What To Do the Day Before Yom Kippur
This introductory article from Chabad.org provides a brief overview of the mitzvot and rituals performed on the day before Yom Kippur, according to Orthodox custom, including the kaparot atonement ritual, making amends with people
How to Observe Yom Kippur 2018
This introductory article from Chabad.org explains the history, customs and deep spiritual significance of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. The article briefly outlines what to do (and not do!) before, during and
A Guide to Yom Kippur Prayers
This informative article by Conservative Rabbi Daniel Kohn provides a guide for Yom Kippur prayer services, including the origins, content, and rituals of each of the five services: Kol Nidrei, Shacharit, Mussaf, Mincha, and Neilah.
Yom Kippur: The Three Levels of Forgiveness
In this 3.5 minute long video from Aish.com, Orthodox Rabbi, Etiel Goldwicht explores how to truly forgive someone who has hurt you before Yom Kippur. Rabbi Goldwicht delves deep into the three
Where to Stream High Holiday Services Online
This article provides a list of non-denominational, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist and Renewal synagogues around the world that live-stream their High Holiday prayer services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Because the use of
A Guide to the High Holiday Prayers
This thorough article provides an overview of the contents, structure and themes of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayer services. Highlighting some of the most significant parts of the
Maimonides’ 4 Steps to Teshuvah
This short video outlines the four steps to teshuvah (repentance), according to Maimonides: regret our actions, stop doing them, confess or apologize, and commit to changing our behavior in the
How to Make High Holiday Synagogue Services Meaningful
This honest article presents six simple tips to transform lengthy, frustrating services into a meaningful prayer experience. With an emphasis on finding a personal connection to the words and their
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