4 Mitzvot 4 Purim: A Catchy Children’s Song

4 Mitzvot 4 Purim: A Catchy Children’s Song

In this sweet video, Eliana Light presents a catchy children’s song about the four mitzvot of Purim – reading the Purim story from Megillat Esther, enjoying a festive Purim seudah (feast), delivering Mishloach Manot (gifts of food), and giving Matanot L’evyonim (money to the poor). This song is a great way for parents, teachers and youth leaders to teach young children about the customs of Purim. Eliana Light is a creative Jewish educator, prayer leader, singer-songwriter and consultant who works to help individuals and communities discover themselves within the depth and richness of Jewish life. 

4 Mitzvot 4 Purim

You Got 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 mitzvot for Purim
1, 2, 3, 4, 4 mitzvot for Purim
What do we do for (1 2 3 4) Pu-urim

Well we read from the megillah
We read from the megillah
We drown the name of Haman out
we scream and shout! (we scream and shout)

Well we make a Purim seudah
We make a Purim seadah
We eat and eat and drink all day
We sing and play (We sing and play)

We give mishloach manot
We give mishloach manot
We make gifts with food so sweet
We share a treat! (we share a treat!)

We give tzedakah
We give tzedakah
We call it matanot l’evyonim
Help those in need! (help those in need!)