Jewish Peoplehood
Jewish Peoplehood refers to the sense of belonging to the Jewish nation that many Jewish individuals feel, regardless of their beliefs, lifestyle, or location. Jewish identity can be defined through the prism of religion, culture, nationality, family, and more. While one person’s Jewish identity may be completely associated with a single aspect of Jewish life, for another it may be a combination of several. Despite their differences, these individuals are part of the same story.
Jewish Peoplehood is the solidarity experienced by Jews around the world and the strong relationship between those in Israel and the Diaspora. It is the concern that many Jews feel for the Jewish people as a whole that inspires them to work toward a better future for the nation. This unconditional mutual responsibility creates unity between the diverse Jewish communities of the world.
The Overseas Education Division of KKL-JNF’s Education Department works tirelessly to strengthen the sense of Jewish Peoplehood among Diaspora Jewry. The organization creates programs and partnerships that encourage collaboration between different communities in Israel and around the world. Much of its work is dedicated to educating the younger generation of Diaspora Jewry to engage with their Jewish identity, the Jewish people, and the State of Israel, based on the value that “All of Israel are responsible for one another.”