This post offers several different home services for the Hannukah candle lighting, including blessings, intentions, readings and songs that reflect the values and beliefs of Humanistic Judaism. Founded in 1963 by Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine, Humanistic Judaism enables people of any background to cherish Jewish history, culture, and ethics without worshipping a supernatural being.Â
Humanistic Judaism’s Blessings Upon Lighting the Menorah
Written by Rabbi Daniel Friedman, these blessings are commonly recited in the Humanistic community:
Barukh haor baolam.
Barukh haor baadam.
Barukh haor baHanukka.Blessed is the light of the world.
Blessed is the light within humanity.
Blessed is the light of Hanukka.
The Symbolism of the Hannukah Candles
From the Society for Humanistic Judaism, here is “The Eight Lights of Hanukka,” which connects each candle to a different character trait or quality that can help us create a better world.
Complete Home Hannukah Service
This 18-page booklet compiled by Rabbi Adam Chalom of the Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation includes an introduction to the history of Hannukah, several different options for candle-lighting blessings, readings, intentions and poetry to be read for each night, and songs.