This post provides links to several different versions of “Hu Ya’anenu,” a prayer that recalls how God mercifully answered our forefathers in ancient times, assuring us that our prayers will be answered as well. While the original version only mentions biblical men (except for Esther, who is grouped together with Mordechai), these modern versions also include the matriarchs and other biblical women, with one also including both Jewish and non-Jewish figures from recent history. This moving piece is part of both the Selichot liturgy recited prior to Rosh Hashanah, as well as the Yom Kippur services.Â
Hu Ya’anenu: Answer Us
This Hebrew and English version by Rachel Adler and Yaffa Weisman includes both biblical men and women.
Hu Ya’anenu, Hi Ta’anenu
This English version by Arthur Ocean Waskow includes both biblical men and women, as well as modern day Jewish and non-Jewish heroes and social rights activists. God is referred to with both masculine and feminine pronouns.
Mi She’anah… Hu Ya’anenu
This Hebrew and English version by Lisa Exler and Rabbi Julia Andelman includes both biblical men and women.
Hu Ya’aneinu: God Will Answer Us
This Hebrew and English version by Mark Frydenberg and Rabbi David Seidenberg includes both biblical men and women.