More Places to See
If you’re going to be heading up north, we recommend checking out these worthwhile sites.
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Northern Israel’s Misgav Region: Progressing Towards Sustainable Living
The Misgav Regional Council is home to 22,000 people, and comprises 35 small towns. The region is noted for the way that Jewish and non-Jewish communities live side-by-side. Environmental awareness permeates
The Multisensory Science Park for Special-Needs Children at the Jordan River Village
This video [02:21] shows the newly-built multisensory science park at Jordan River Village (Kfar Nahal Yarden), a unique project funded by JNF-KKL Australia, and the actors Chaim Topol (Tevye in
Har Shaul Scenic Lookout & the Biblical Story of the Downfall of King Saul
This dramatized video (04:49) from the History Channel tells the biblical story of the death of King Saul and his son, Jonathan, in the battle with the Philistines on Mount
Lavi Forest
This post introduces the Lavi Forest in the Galilee, initially planted by KKL-JNF in the 1950s, including a video (01:05) showing highlights of the area and a thorough article outlining
Har Adir Observation Point: In Memory of Fallen Soldiers from the Second Lebanon War
From the website of KKL-JNF, this article introduces the Har Adir observation point in the Galilee commemorating the 121 IDF soldiers who lost their lives during the Second Lebanon War
A Million Stars: A Song in Memory of the Fallen Soldiers of the Second Lebanon War
This video presents a slideshow of pictures from the Har Adir observation point along with the song “A Million Stars,” sung by Amit Farkash in memory of her brother, Captain