Shmita in Action in KKL-JNF Nurseries and Forests

Produced by KKL-JNF, this video (08:03) introduces Shmita, the biblical commandment to let the land rest every seventh year, as well as the ways in which the sabbatical year is observed in KKL-JNF forests and nurseries around the country. After thousands of years of exile, Shmita once again became relevant with the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel in modern times, presenting a unique set of challenges and opportunities for Israeli farmers and environmental organizations. Since its inception, KKL-JNF has always developed the land in a sustainable manner, in tune with the seven year cycles. While they are not permitted to plant trees or prepare land for planting during a sabbatical year, KKL-JNF continues all work that prevents the degeneration of the ecosystem or is necessary for security reasons. The organization also focuses on projects that support Israel’s farmers in this challenging year. Click here to read more about KKL-JNF and Shmita.Â