Orthodox Ashkenazi Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv (Hebrew, English, Transliteration)

Orthodox Ashkenazi Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv (Hebrew, English, Transliteration)

This post presents a well-formatted, printable PDF booklet of the traditional Ashkenazi Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv evening prayer service with the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of each prayer. Originally created for a minyan held annually at the Arisia science fiction convention in Boston, MA, which takes place in mid-January, the editors omitted all special insertions for holidays and other times of year. Texts were sourced primarily from  The Open Siddur Project, which aims to liberate the creative content of Jewish spiritual practice as a commonly held resource for adoption, adaptation, and redistributionEnglish translations are from Kehillat Kol Haneshama (Jerusalem) and the Havurah on the Hill (Boston), transliterations are from Temple Beth El (Durham) and additional Hebrew text is from Ariel Benjamin.


This booklet is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. The form and content may be freely shared or adapted, with appropriate credit (attribution).