On January 29, 2021, the Shabbat of Tu BiShvat, The Overseas Department of the Education and Community Division in the Diaspora shall conduct a Global Shabbat, on which families in Israel and around the world shall come together around a special holiday table, set with a tablecloth of Tu BiShvat games and activities for the whole family, and enjoy a unique and unifying holiday.
In order to bring together the Jewish Community in Israel and the world around the values of Tu BiShvat and Shabbat, as a mutually accepted national symbol for the State of Israel and the Jewish people, the Education and Community Division in KKL-JNF has produced, in cooperation with “Shabbat UNPLUGGED” Project, a special celebratory tablecloth kit, which would enrich the Shabbat of Tu BiShvat with unique games and activities.
You are invited to observe the holiday and to gather around the family and communal Shabbat meal table with the designed and branded game tablecloth, which deals with Tu BiShvat and its link to the values of KKL-JNF, Zionism, forestry and the environment.
On this game tablecloth, you will find family activities and diverse contents, enlightening illustrations, quizzes, reading sections, games and activities during the holiday meal.
The kit will be distributed in numerous countries around the world, in different languages.
to print!
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