This post offers links to all of the fitness centers you need to stay active and fit during your time in Jerusalem.
1. Fun in Jerusalem: Gyms & Pools
Fun in Jerusalem offers a list of best major gyms and pools located in central Jerusalem, including links to the websites, contact information, and extensive information about the facilities and services.
2. Jerusalem Municipality Sports Division
The sports section of the Jerusalem Municipality website provides Information about sports activities and events, indoor and outdoor facilities, and official local basketball and football leagues,
3. Jerusalem Running Paths
This blog post describes seven running paths in the hilly city of Jerusalem.
4. Jerusalem Gyms & Studios
This blog post provides honest reviews of 15 different places to workout all around Jerusalem, including gyms, pools, and dance studios. Although the author is quite critical of the city’s workout facilities, she provides useful information, including links to the websites, contact information, locations and what gender the facility serves (many of Jerusalem’s facilities are exclusively for men or women, or have separate hours for each gender). Her comments provide her opinions about the quality, cost and cleanliness of the facilities.